CHANGELOG.txt for xmlapi.php 1.0.13: - Tidy all PHP files according to PSR 1.0.12: - github#2 - [Bugfix]: typo related to environment variable XMLAPI_USE_SSL 1.0.11: - [Feature]: Remove value requirement for park()'s 'topdomain' argument 1.0.10: - github#1 - [Bugfix]: setresellerpackagelimits() does not properly prepare input arguments for query (Case 51076) 1.0.9: - Add input argument to method signature for servicestatus() 1.0.8: - Correct unpark bug as reported by Randall Kent 1.0.7: - Corrected typo for setrellerlimits where xml_query incorrectly called xml-api's setresellerips 1.0.6: - Changed 'user' URL parameter for API1/2 calls to 'cpanel_xmlapi_user'/'cpanel_jsonapi_user' to resolve conflicts with API2 functions that use 'user' as a parameter - Relocated exmaple script to Example subdirectory - Modified example scripts to take remote server IP and root password from environment variables REMOTE_HOST and REMOTE_PASSWORD, respectively - Created subdirectory Tests for PHPUnit tests - Add PHPUnit test BasicParseTest.php 1.0.5: - fix bug where api1_query and api2_query would not return JSON data 1.0.4: - set_port will now convert non-int values to ints 1.0.3: - Fixed issue with set_auth_type using incorrect logic for determining acceptable auth types - Suppress non-UTF8 encoding when using curl 1.0.2: - Increased curl buffer size to 128kb from 16kb - Fix double encoding issue in terminateresellers() 1.0.1: - Fixed use of wrong variable name in curl error checking - adjust park() to use api2 rather than API1 1.0 - Added in 11.25 functions - Changed the constructor to allow for either the "DEFINE" config setting method or using parameters - Removed used of the gui setting - Added fopen support - Added auto detection for fopen or curl (uses curl by default) - Added ability to return in multiple formats: associative array, simplexml, xml, json - Added PHP Documentor documentation for all necessary functions - Changed submission from GET to POST