
777 Seventh Avenue
Downtown NY 01234

Aenean varius lorem at dui condimentum

Ut non lobortis est. Ut dictum scelerisque luctus. Aliquam condimentum interdum odio, et fermentum nulla pharetra in. Praesent pellentesque neque nec eros tempus, ac venenatis ante interdum. Vivamus viverra est dolor, non placerat nunc commodo sed

Nam commodo elit at enim congue commodo vel viverra enim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec gravida aliquam fringilla.

Now Do Something! Now Do Something!

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Say what?

We have a weak spot for static HTML sites and truly believe they often are the better choice compared to CMS sites. That said, dealing with forms on those static sites is often a pain, and with Sent we're hoping to make life a bit easier.

Sent is built and maintained by Chilly Orange.

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